The Science Of Art: Tip #0001 - Side-chaining

Tip 1.) Side chaining: not just for crazy electro kids with the UNF UNF UNF UNF and the donks. Use it to knock a couple of dBs off your bass line when the kick hits, helping it cut through and keep your master bus from exploding. Used subtly it wonโ€™t really be noticeable, and you could even use it so that you can make your track louder overall - but I am hoping that you use these tips for good and not evil.

It doesn't have to be much:

With Love,

Ed ๐ŸŽ›๐ŸŽšโค๏ธ 

The Science of Art: Tip #0000

A little while back I started jotting down a bunch of short mixing/mastering/song-writing and production tips that Iโ€™ve learned over the past few years. I thought it might be a nice idea to share these, one or two a day, until the end of time. Perhaps I'll even post them all in one post, one day.

I know that there are tons of other accounts (Twitter, blogs, etc) that do this and Iโ€™m not trying to suddenly pretend to be some sort of sage on music creation. Some people aren't following me to try to learn how to make music, and yes, social media is gross. But if one of them help anyone, then hopefully it's useful. I do hope that's OK with you?

Really, I created these as reminders for myself - I still look at them all the time when Iโ€™m struggling - but perhaps theyโ€™d be useful for anyone that makes music and cares to read them. Theyโ€™re might be a specific piece of direct advice/suggestion, or it could be an Eno-esque Oblique Strategies style snippet, to encourage a bit of thought and intentionally left open to interpretation. Context is not required/lack of context is encouraged.

I do hope you find these useful - if youโ€™d like me to expand on any of them (I'll go as in depth as you like, and post it here, with examples), just get in touch:

Have fun and make great music โค๏ธ 



I have an Instagram account and this is a social media posting to inform you about it and to encourage you to follow me. I'm like the Dan Bilzerian of music.

Pink Guitar

Every time my brother goes to to the states, he seems to come back with a Strat. This time was no different. The new one is a Limited Edtion Custom Shop, 'Wildwood 10' in shell pink, with a light relic. It's got a humbucker in the bridge position, which I think needs to go, but otherwise it might just be my dream guitar.

My brother likes Strats ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

A photo posted by Eddie Al-Shakarchi (@dr_ed_boogie) on

Still Tracking...

My own album with Mr. Linford K Hydes is taking it's sweet, precious time, but the electric guitars are very nearly done.... It'll be worth it. Promise ๐Ÿ’‹

Still tracking but it's worth it ๐ŸŒ

A photo posted by Eddie Al-Shakarchi (@dr_ed_boogie) on

Richie Hayes x Noonday Underground

Richie Hayes is one of the talented guys I know. I don't really know if he's 'mainly' a drummer, a keyboard player, a guitarist, a singer or songwriter. He plays the bass too, of course, but nobody wants to be 'mainly a bass player'.

A while back, I helped him with a rekkid. He came to me with a few songs - the drums, bass, organ and guitars already recorded in a suitably lo-fi manner. We tracked the vocals, a horn section, vibraphone, a little guitar and a few other bits and pieces. I mixed what we had and mastered the digital and vinyl versions, including the flip side of the record.

The other side of the EP featured three tracks from Noonday Underground (DJ Simon Dine & singer Daisy Martey. Dine had previously been a member of Adventures in Stereo. Martey was for a time the singer in Morcheeba.) It was released on 12" Vinyl by Art Gallery Records.

The record is brilliant (well, Richie's side is, anyway). What's scary is that I know that his future music is gonna sound even better.

I love how the songs sound - I do know that, 2-3 years later, I would have mixed things differently, as is the usual way. We have plans to work on more songs in 2017. Cannae wait.

You can listen to the record by clicking the big red album cover below. You can buy the record from the following places... or just click on the big red picture to stream for freeeeeee... :

Click above to listen...

Click above to listen...